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Learning Center

for IRB and HRPP Administrators

Help investigators and study teams successfully plan for and navigate single IRB review arrangements for their studies. Contact the institution’s POC for more information.

SMART IRB Start-Up Packages

These packages contain a suite of resources to help you understand and fulfill your roles and responsibilities in a single IRB arrangement. Each package provides a guide describing how and when to use the included resource as well as links to online tools and further information.

Reviewing IRB Package

Relying Institution Package

Getting Started with SMART IRB and the Online Reliance System

A brief introduction to SMART IRB and an overview of the features of the SMART IRB Online Reliance System.

Resources for IRB and HRPP Personnel

Guide to SMART IRB’s resources to help IRB and HRPP personnel document reliance arrangements, get started as a Reviewing IRB, and educate and work with study teams.

Key Resources

Visit the Resources Section for a full listing of tools, templatess, guidance, and checklists.

SMART Talk: Monthly Community Forum

A resource for IRB and HRPP professionals navigating and implementing sIRB review; visit the home page for upcoming sessions.


When You’re Not the Reviewing IRB – The Impact of Using External IRBs
Single IRB for Social, Behavioral, and Education Research
Using AAHRPP’s I-9 Standard to Guide Reliance Arrangements
Single IRB Resources: What, When, Why, and How to Use Them
Reviewing IRBs: Working with Relying Institutions and Study Teams
Resources for Training Study Teams in Single IRB
Harmonization – Conflicts of Interest and sIRB Review
Harmonization – Ancillary Reviews and Single IRB
sIRB Issues Related to Planned Emergency Research
The All of Us IRB - Insights from a Unique Single IRB


Harmonization - Post-Approval Auditing & sIRB Review
Harmonization - Continuing Review & sIRB
Relying Institution Roles, Responsibilities, and Opportunities
Single IRB and the Review of Research Involving Children
Practical Issues and Pragmatic Solutions for the IRB Reliance Process
Resources for Training Study Teams in Single IRB
2-part Session: NIH Proposed Updates to the SMART IRB Agreement & sIRB Considerations in the Context of COVID-19
Tackling Informed Consent Under the Single IRB Model
Harmonization – Responsibilities Associated with the Review of Study Personnel
A Follow-Up Conversation: Getting Ready for the 2020 Single IRB requirements


Operationalizing an HRPP under Single IRB
Managing Reliance with the SMART IRB Online Reliance System
Harmonization - Reportable Events
Getting Ready for the 2020 Single IRB requirements

Single IRB Boot Camp: a How-to Guide with SMART IRB

This online session, held February 7 & 9, 2023, provided training for IRB and HRPP personnel on successful implementation of the sIRB review model and demonstrated how to leverage SMART IRB resources to achieve that success. Watch session recordings and download slides below.

Key Resources

Key Resources