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Learning Center

For Investigators & Study Teams

Help investigators and study teams successfully plan for and navigate single IRB review arrangements for their studies. Contact the institution’s POC for more information.

SMART IRB Start-Up Packages

These packages contain a suite of resources to help you prepare NIH grant applications that require single IRB review and to ensure you understand and can fulfill your responsibilities related to single IRB arrangements. Each package provides a guide describing how and when to use the included resource as well as links to online tools and further information.

Study Team Package

NIH Grant Preparation Package

Introduction to Single IRB Review and SMART IRB

Learn about single IRB (sIRB) review and find out how SMART IRB can help you meet sIRB requirements.

Key Resources

Request, track, and document reliance arrangements on a study-by-study basis.

Selecting a Single IRB

Learn about the options for selecting a single IRB for your funding application.

Key Resources

Request, track, and document reliance arrangements on a study-by-study basis.

Potential Effects of NIH Single IRB Policy on Research Costs

Find out how the NIH single IRB policy can affect research costs related to IRB review, staffing, and resources, and learn how to address these costs in your funding application.

Using the SMART IRB Online Reliance System

Learn how to request, track, and document reliance arrangements for your studies using the SMART IRB Online Reliance System.