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Smart IRB Agreement

Supporting IRB reliance across the nation

Proposed SMART IRB Reliance Agreement Version 3.0

Over the past several years, SMART IRB leadership has been working with the SMART IRB Harmonization Steering Committee, the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS) and other federal agency representatives, and members of the SMART IRB community to discuss possible changes to the current SMART IRB Agreement.

The proposed SMART IRB Reliance Agreement Version 3.0 is a significant amendment of the current SMART IRB Agreement. These changes are intended to:

  • address feedback from current and potential Participating Institutions
  • fully reflect changes to IRB review requirements in the 2018 Common Rule; and
  • allow additional federal agencies to participate in the agreement.

All current Participating Institutions and stakeholders, as well as prospective signatories, were provided opportunity to comment on SMART IRB Reliance Agreement Version 3.0 between November 15, 2023 and February 15, 2024. The comment period is now closed, and the community feedback we received is undergoing review. Once finalized, Version 3.0 will replace Versions 2.0 and 1.0. Participating Institutions will be notified regarding next steps, including any required actions related to their participation in the SMART IRB Agreement.


SMART IRB Agreement Version 1 (including versions 1.1. and 1.2) was available for sign on from September 5, 2016 – September 30, 2020, at which point SMART IRB Agreement Version 2.0 became available. SMART IRB Agreement v1 and v2.0 were compatible, which means that Participating Institutions were not required to sign SMART IRB Agreement Version 2.0. Once a final version of SMART IRB Reliance Agreement Version 3.0 is issued for execution (joinder), all current Participating Institutions will need to execute (join) the final SMART IRB Reliance Agreement Version 3.0 in order to continue participation.

Questions? Contact us.

Agreement Files

Review Current Agreement

Before joining SMART IRB, review the current agreement with institution officials and counsel (updated October 1, 2020)

Do not sign the sample Joinder Agreement.

Note: SMART IRB Agreement Version 1 is compatible with Version 2.0; Participating Institutions that have signed v1 are not required to sign SMART IRB Agreement Version 2.0.

SMART IRB Version 3.0 Cover Memo

Read the SMART IRB Version 3.0 Cover Memo

SMART IRB Reliance Agreement Version 3.0

Review SMART IRB Reliance Agreement Version 3.0

Executive Summary of Key Changes

Executive Summary of Key Changes

SMART IRB Reliance Agreement Version 3.0

SMART IRB Reliance Agreement Version 3.0 with Tracked Changes

FAQs on the Comment and Transition Process

Review the FAQs on the Comment and Transition Process

SMART Talk: Introducing the Reliance Agreement V3.0

This session provides an orientation to the proposed updates and why they are being put forward

SMART Talk: Introducing the Reliance Agreement V3.0 – Slides

Download the slides

SMART IRB Agreement Version 1

Review the SMART IRB Agreement Version 1

Agreement Version Guide

Identify and understand the differences across the versions of the SMART IRB Agreement and Joinder Agreement

How it Works

For IRBs and Institutions

  • Enables reliance on a study-by-study basis
  • Clearly defines roles and responsibilities
  • Eliminates the need to sign reliance agreements for each study

Once you’ve joined SMART IRB, you may use the Agreement to support collaborations among Participating Institutions.

For Investigators

  • Reduces hurdles for multisite collaborations
  • Supports small and large studies, regardless of funding
  • Helps you obtain trial results faster

Investigators from Participating Institutions can use the SMART IRB Online Reliance System to request reliance arrangements for their studies.


Join the platform to harmonize and streamline the IRB review process for multisite studies, while ensuring a high level of protection for research participants.